Pearlz NEWZ:

The band is still active this winter, but at present our next several shows will be PRIVATE performances.    Our next PUBLIC show will not be until Saturday, June 14th at Preservation Beer Company (75 N Main St, Fairport) from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.
  However, new shows are often being added this time of year, so please visit our SHOWS page occasionally for the latest updates.
   We'll also be using our time away from the public to add some new material to our song list, which we hope you'll enjoy. So please don't forget about us while we're away, because we're looking forward to being back, and better than ever!  
PEARLZ VIDEOS (and MORE) ON YOU TUBE!    Check out The Pearlz Band You Tube Channel for videos of our live shows.   The link is just to the right at the top .
Right below that is a link to Nancy's Channel and below that is a link to the Channel for Old Hat - which is Jerry's "Other" band.
Hit SUBSCRIBE in YouTube - totally FREE! - and you'll be notified of any new videos!  
NANCY AND THE BEYONCE CONNECTION:    The March 2024 edition of teenVOGUE features an article about Beyonce's country album and the history of Black Country artists. Halfway through, there's a section titled The Black Country artists before Beyonce , and right below is a pic of our own Nancy with Country legend Lesley Riddle!   Check it out here: Nancy in teenVOGUE
NANCY AND THE LESLEY RIDDLE CONNECTION: Lesley Riddle was one of the most influential figures in early country music. He taught Mother Maybelle Carter (Johnny Cash's mother-in-law) his unique picking style, and years later taught Nancy!  In 2020, Nancy wrote an article about him for The Birthplace Of Country Music Museum in Tennessee; which now has an exhibit about Nancy & Lesley Riddle! View it here:  Nancy and The Lesley Riddle Connection     
NANCY AND THE ROC55 CONNECTION:    The March-April 2024 issue of Roc55 magazine features a write up of our own Nancy Drum. Check it out here: Nancy featured in Roc55!
NANCY IN ROCHESTER MUSIC HALL OF FAME: Rochester Musician Makes History